Thank you for signing this petition.

Thank you so much for signing on! We are collecting signatures and will deliver them personally to Governor O’Malley. In the meantime, help us spread the word for #lessmanure by joining our Thunderclap! With our voices combined, we can show the governor and others the importance of this issue.

Join our Thunderclap!


A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words

Another great way to tell your friends about the petition, the Thunderclap, and the urgent need for less manure in Maryland is to share these social media graphics. We all know by now that visuals are most compelling on social media; tell your friends to sign on by spreading these graphics with your social accounts.

Learn More

You can also check out our resources below to learn more about manure and the Phosphorus Management Tool. Check our website for updates or follow us on Twitter @CleanerMDfarms.